We finally got our first real snowfall last night! Yes, you heard right....finally! Fall is by far my favorite season, but Winter is a close second! These two seasons are just gorgeous! Now don't get me wrong I love my Spring and Summer flowers and my garden, but there's just something
mesmerising about the changing of the leaves and trees and then the starkness of the
vegetation before it all gets blanketed away by layers of snow! Getting to wear all the big loose clothing - wearing layers - not feeling the tips of your fingers when getting home from walking the kids to school (okay, I suppose I could leave that one behind:))! My only thing I would change is the roads. As everyone who has ever
witnessed or had the "pleasure" of riding in a vehicle I am driving knows, I am a very aggressive driver - I should have been a cop!! - and when the roads turn to slush and ice my already present frustration mounts!!! I am NOT patient with slow or "stupid" drivers and they only increase their stupidity (and slowness) once the roads turn. Now once again, don't get me wrong, I DO slow down and use more caution, etc but people plain out forget!! how to drive in the snow! I would like to blame it on transplants into the state, but sadly most of these people hail from it - YIKES and double YIKES!! I have a few errands I need to run this afternoon before school gets out but I'm seriously debating just putting them off til Monday (I work the whole weekend). It is "Thankful Week" at school, so this past Monday I went and read with Tyler and then had lunch with him and Cody and today is Cody's class' day - so I will go in and read with Cody and then have lunch with the boys again. Cody is
insisting I stay and go to recess with them and play kickback - which was fine on Monday - it was 45 and a little windy, but today is snow covered and COLD! But I will stay and I will play and I will have fun! But then I need to run the errands - hence the hesitation of doing it today! I just don't know if I could make it to the West end, get all the stuff done and then get back by the time school gets out, especially with the roads how they are. Sigh!
Ty's birthday was fun! Him and I made his cake. We did a sheet cake that has a Boise State Smurf Turf football field on it!! It was the bomb! Ty totally loved it, as did I and it tasted yummy if I do say so myself! My parents drove over after church and had dinner with us - Ty's favorite: steak, twice baked potatoes and corn! He told me that that is what he is going to have for
every birthday! At-a-boy!!
Jas hasn't downloaded the pictures yet for me, but when he does I'll post them!
It's been a while since posting on here so I need to update a little - the boys got report cards at the beginning of this month - my Cody got straight A's!! 4 A+, 5 A's and 1 A- I am seriously so proud of this kid!! He was the only one in his class to get all A's. At teacher conferences his teacher could not say enough good about him and was surprised to hear he had never been recommended for extended studies by any of his other teachers. So she got the ball rolling on that and Cody will start those this Spring. I get choked up and teary when ever I think about how well he's doing!
My Tyler did very well also! :) He got all S's (satisfactory/average) and G's (good/above avg) and one N (needs improvement) I want you all to try really hard to figure out what he got the N in - I know it may be really hard, especially knowing him, his brother and Dad (cause of course, he wouldn't get it from me! :)) Figured it out - YEP - Ty got an N on "takes turns and waits to speak"
BAhahahaha Is he so not a
Brunner! (and yes, including me) we have such a hard time keeping our knowledge to ourselves and taking turns! He too was praised by his teacher at conferences. Of course, he's a 6-year-old little boy and does what 6-year-old boys tend to do, and has had to pull his fair share of green tickets in class - in fact the other day he came home with a yellow slip explaining that he had his YELLOW ticket showing in class. SIGH!!! So, how it works is you start the day with 3 green tickets, 1 yellow ticket and 1 red ticket. Each time you are observed breaking a class rule you take a ticket. If all 3 green tickets are pulled and a yellow ticket is showing - you have 5 minutes in-class time out. If a yellow ticket is pulled and a red is left showing you have to do a 20 minute time out at a desk in the hall by the 2
nd grade classrooms. If all tickets are pulled you have to go to the principal for a behavior plan - I think that's what it's called. So I asked Ty what he did to have a 5 minute time out and he said - "Well, I shouted out once (no big surprise- this is what he usually pulls tickets for), I got out of my seat without permission once and I don't remember the 3rd." Me: "Yes you do Tyler, WHAT did you do?" Ty: "
Wwweeellllll, I think I accidentally punched a girl" I admit it I lost it - You WHAT!!! There is no such thing as an "accidental punch" Tyler!! He tried to make up some
cockamaimee story about swinging his arms around and one accidentally hitting a girl. Seriously, I was not born yesterday kiddo! :) Anyway, I happened to volunteer the next day in his class and talked to the teacher about it - she said she caught it out of the corner of her eye and Ty looked like he had had enough of the little girl by him from the look on his face and
hauled off and punched her in the leg. I guess at least it wasn't in the face, but still
unacceptable!! so he was grounded and in his room for the rest of the day - what a stinker! :)
Anyway, I think that is all for now. Once
Jas gets the pictures on the computer I will post them!