I have been extremely lazy the last couple days. Minus work, I have really accomplished nil! I just am NOT motivated. Each day or evening on my way to work I urge myself to be more productive the next day, once again feeling all guilty over my days productivity. And THEN, well the next day comes and my book or computer just call my name until I finally give in and devote all of my attention/time to them! :) So.......TOMORROW I am going to be better and do my goals for the day. I started making daily goal(s). Just one or two things, so that I don't feel overwhelmed with the enormity of the stuff I'd like to accomplish. But seeings how I've been so lazy the last few days, I need to make up a couple of "goals" that got left behind.
My entryways are dump sites. People (people being all 3 boys!) walk into the house either through the garage or front door and take off all their extra gear, i.e. coats, snow pants, gloves, backpacks, shoes, the list goes on and on, and proceed to leave it in a heap on the floor. Even if said items are soaking wet, muddy, or whatever, it just gets left. Even after numerous attempts by yours truly to remind them, that the floor is not the items home. SO....my goal for tomorrow is to get my coat racks on the wall by the garage door. With luck, I will be able to post a picture tomorrow evening or the following day. I'm crossing my fingers I am motivated! :)
Here's a picture from Christmas. While at the Mullendore's we tried to get a nice family picture. And after countless attempts we found that the best picture ended up being the one where we all were being "silly". Ty wanted to do "D Generation"X"", so that's why the bottom 4 of us have our arms in an "X". I personally like Geri's antlers and the fact that Don is smiling in the "silly" picture.
1 comment:
LOVE the picture. So funny. Looks like you were all having a great time.
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