Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Newest and Cutest!!! :)

The Broder's family!! Matt, Kietra and Baby Emma!!

Daddy! Matt thinks this is a funny picture because he thinks Emma has a look of "terror" on her face about him being her Dad! :)
Mama and Baby Emma leaving the hospital!!
Emma gets to finally wear a real outfit now that she's going home from the hospital, never got to before because of all the monitors she was on!
Isn't she beautiful!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Odds and Ends....

Thanksgiving week. Always a relaxing week for me. We spend it in Glendive at the Mullendore's. Jason hunts with his friend Jess (a pal from the highschool days that he is still in touch with). The boys and I hang out at the house with Don, Geri and Jenna, playing games, taking walks, trying out new recipes, going bowling (after much cajoling and begging from Cody) and all sorts of other leisurely type stuff.
Tyler's birthday was super fun! That kid is a riot. "My want a new bite (aka bike)." "My don't like that Mom, discusing (aka disgusting), yuck." "My need to go poop, we don't eat my poop, it discusing" Why he ever thought eating and poop were ever connected is beyond me!! (although I suppose they are in a way, just not how he thinks of it). I took pictures of his firetruck cake and blowing out the candles and will have to post them when we are home in Billings, don't have the pictures on this computer. Jas, Cody and I gave him LeapFrog's "My First Computer" for his birthday, it's super cute and he absolutely loves that he has his own "pooter" now. The little games he can play are supposed to help with numbers, letters, the keyboard, mouse use and basic computer skills. He really doesn't get the whole thing yet, but when I sit and help (only a little though, cause he gets awfully P.O.'d if I try and do too much) then he somewhat understands. He'll definately be able to grow into it!
My sister Kietra had her first baby the day after Tyler's birthday! After a long day and a couple hours of pushing, Baby Emma joined the family on the 15th, weighing in at 7lbs, 12 oz. She is super adorable (of course) and I can't wait to meet her. She had some gunk (that's the official term mind you) on her lungs and then her white blood cell count became elevated, so she ended up having to be in the NICU and on IV antibiotics for a week, not what ya want to hear after nine months and one week of pregnancy. But on this Thanksgiving evening Kietra and Matt were able to take her home finally!! And she is now doing fabulously, the doctor told them that Emma made his job look easy and that he did a great job because of how good she was doing and looked! Love ya Broders and can't wait to meet the newest!!
We're setting up the Mullendore's Christmas tree tomorrow, always an interesting and highly enjoyable experience, I'll take pictures to post! Later for now. Hope you all had a Thanksgiving full of love, thanks and family!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A little explanation

So I am at work this beautiful Sunday morning and just reread what I posted yesterday afternoon and realized I need to explain a few things. First off, I didn't spell check or read through what I wrote, so my appologies for the misspellings and rambling. (blogger was the one who "errored" me not bogger :)). Some of the pictures need to be explained.....The one of Tyler and Rascal were backwards, "then" is on the right and "now" is on the left. The picture of the boys and the dog outside in the snow was them out on our covered patio that we now enclosed. It is wonderful. We put in 4 big 5'x6' windows and french doors. We mounted a big flat panel TV on the wall. We learned a few new building techniques too....we tiled for the first time, which we will do again if we HAVE to, but definately have gained a new respect for those who do it for a living! On of the pictures is the outside of the house before and after the addition. (the after picture has the boys playing in the leaves.) I have more before and after pictures of the addition I'll post later.
This past year has been a whirlwind of "projects". Jason needs projects and now that we are home owners, he gets to use the house for these projects. So.......we've: finished off a room in the basement for his office (first time sheetrocking(sp) and laying pergo floor), we tore out a woodchip/uneven flower bed type thing and then bought half a ton of river rock and lined almost the entire perimeter of the house with it (looks much nicer now!!!), got a new central air conditioner, got a new dishwasher (only had to leave Jason home one week by himself to convince him of that), started a new garden, enclosed our patio (adding about 250-300 square feet to the house), built a doghouse (for normal people not a big deal, for Jason....completely insulated with sub-flooring, tiled roof, linoleum(sp) inside and weighing so much the two of us almost couldn't move it!!:)), new ceiling fan in the bathroom (the old one was vented into the attic, not outside...not smart). And many more minor things that I just can't think of right now. It has been too fun, unfortunately we will exceed our tax write-off amount for home improvement, we should have saved some of this for 2008. But who am I kidding, I think Jason is talking about building a second garage out back for next year.....sigh!!! :) (once again, not going to spell check, so forgive me for any difficult reading)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Then and Now.........

Oh what a difference a year makes.
Last week I eeked out an hour and a half to update on here all of the things that had happened. And I hit publish post and bogger said "error" and it all erased, so that is why it has been even longer now since my last post.
This past week has been one of the busiest to date. It was parent teacher conferences at the school on Wed., Thurs and Fri. So all of these days were half days for the kids. Which no big deal for me.....except, the PTA was doing a Scholastic book fair in the Library all week, so the previous Fri. was spent setting it all up. And then helping with it throughout the week and then taking it all down on the next Fri. Because of our school having just reopened our school's library shelves are a little barren. So the PTA let the library keep all proceeds to turn right back around for books/supplies/etc. We ended up making about $1200 for the library! It was a huge success, our librarian has been at this for many many years and told us this was more than double she's ever made at any other school.
Ok, so that was just one thing last week. The PTA also puts on a Potluck for the teachers on Thurs night when the teachers have to stay until 8pm. And as I posted before I was in charge of this. And though I made lots of phone calls and had lots of stuff lined up, I still of course worried that stuff wouldn't show and there wouldn't be enough. So after two days of making stuff and getting things all lined out, Thurs came and I RAN the whole day!! But, it was all worth it and the potluck was such a huge success, the teachers will also be fed all next week too (and that is not even including the two lasagna's we put in the freezer for future use!!!!). Cody's conference was also on Thurs. and needless to say it went fabulous. The kid and his teacher just really connect this year and they both adore each other! It seriously makes me puddle up whenever I talk to her about Cody because she just can't say enough about him! He is loving 1st grade to say the least!!! His favorite subject is math (of course) and Mrs. Niemeyer has to give him extra challenges because he just picks it up so fast (I attribute this to letting him always be the banker at LIFE :))! I volunteer in the mornings on Mon and absolutely love being able to be in the classroom and see the dynamics of all the kids in his class, it's seriously too fun! He has a really good group of kids in his class. Cody also had a Scout Pack meeting Thurs night and in my delirium, I had signed up for snacks. What I was thinking at the time, I really don't know. So on top of all the preparations for the potluck, I also baked about 6 dozen cookies. I am actually loving being this busy with the boys!
Tyler is finally potty trained. About three weeks ago, I put underwear on him and for some reason this time he decided that this going on the potty is the cool thing to do. We went out and bought him a whole bunch of new underwear and there has been very few accidents since!!! :) And for about the past week and a half he's even worn underwear to bed and stayed dried through every single night!!!!! He is looking forward to his birthday with the enthusiasm and excitement only 2-year-olds almost 3-year-olds can!!! Everywhere we go he tells us "my want that for my birfday!!" What a kid! To say I am nervous about his 3's is almost lying, because nervous is putting it mildly. The boy has stubborn down to a capitol "S" and oneryness vies for competition!!! WOW! But he is so much fun!!
Anyways, Cody is extremely mad at me, because for the past half hour I keep telling him "in a minute" when he comes in and asks when I'm coming out to "fire-up the lawnmower" so he and I can mow up the leaves. The pictures are in tandom with the one on the left from a year ago and the one on the right from now, enjoy...............

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seriously, where does the time go?

I am currently at work and will not be able to post pictures from here, but just a quick update.
The last 2 1/2 weeks have been very busy. Work, Boy Scouts, baptisms, PTA, Lia Sophia parties (yea, that's plural), babies (no I'm not pregnant), etc. This next week should be a little slower, only 2 Boy Scout functions, one night of work, 1 Halloween program, one Halloween night and one candle party. Jeepers! Anyway.....
I forget that I haven't been doing this blog for very long and people wouldn't know about all of the things we've been doing with the house. When I get home I'll post some pictures....too fun. Jason always needs projects and now that we are home owners, this energy goes towards the home. It's fabulous, except I'm always feeling like a slacker, because when he's home he keeps busy, not so much me!! I guess, mine is a different busy, right!!
Anyway, I have to go do work stuff, I have tons of pictures to post, so buy from now!!!! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Haircuts and Tiger Cub Scouts

Last Friday was picture day at the school. And of course my neighbor and I volunteered to help. (the school staff thinks we should start getting paid with how much time we spend there:), we call ourselves the "forever moms" because we are forever volunteering for stuff, or something like that!)I found out when you volunteer to helo with pictures you get one package free, so I was able to get Tyler's done for free. Yea for volunteering. Anyway, both of the boys were in serious need of haircuts and with said pictures coming up I finally took them in to an inexpensive hair place just down the road aways. I had them buzz Tyler and I gave Cody the choice of what he wanted. So he said he wanted it "cut" on top. So I told the gal to buzz the sides short and then put a little more style on the top. And as is always the case with people who cut Cody's hair, she was amazed at how thick and soft his hair is! :) She ended up doing the messy/spike look on top and I have to say admit that when I first looked at him I said a swear word, under my breath of course. He was/is one good looking kid!!!!! He looked a lot older too. I'm a little nervous. One of the teachers at school who has a highschool aged son said that she gets very upset about the "aggressive girls" that chase after her son. She said that he's a good-lookin' athlete and literally he has to avoid certain girls. Ok.....I know, I know... highschool is a long ways away, but Cody's already had two little girls in the 1st grade tell him they have a "crush" on him, and one of the little girls has his name written all over her folder with "kiss" marks by it....THEY'RE ONLY IN THE FIRST GRADE!!!!! okay, okay......I'm catching my breath now and settling down....... :) It will all be fine! On another subject,
Tuesday night was Cody's first Tiger Cub Den meeting. We went to a fellow Cub member's house and the boys had an absolute blast. There are 3 boys from Cody's class at school (there are only 6 boys total in his class at school, *sigh*) and one boy from one of the other classes at Beartooth. The other 3 boys go to a different school. Tonight is his Pack meeting at Bitterroot school. His next Den meeting is going to be a Halloween party, we are very excited about that! I think he's really going to enjoy Scouts.

This is his Tiger Cub Scout Pack. I'm the designated photographer. I have to get a group photo at the begining of each Den meeting.

So I mentioned that we had scouts on Tues and then again tonight, the rest of my week has been just as crazy. I worked Mon. night, and then last night I went to a Lia Sophia party, it was super fun. And I let myself be suckered into hosting a party this coming Feb. (right close to my birthday, good planning if I do say so myself!!!:)) So to continue with my week, I work tomorrow night. Sat is free as of right now, but there is A LOT of stuff Jas and I need to get done around the house. The trim needs to be painted in the new addition, along with the decorative stripe I had Jas paint in the middle of the wall needing to be touched-up. The edges need calking. The dining room needs a little work: highchair needs to be cleaned and taken apart seeings how it isn't being used anymore (and I will be seeing a couple siblings next week that might be in need of it). I need to make the boys Halloween costumes. I have cookies and a blanket to make for a gal that I work with who just had a baby (Jas also works with the husband/dad). The basement needs to be rearranged now that we took the couch out of the family room to put it into the new addition. The extra bedroom upstairs is now going to be my office and I need to get it all in order. And to top it all off, all of the other daily housework that seems to fall by the wayside during the week needs to be done. And then a 12 hour shift on Sun. at work. So much to do, so little time........... so long for now from Montana! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The boys, dog and I just got back from a short outing to try and sell Boy Scout Popcorn. We started out by going to the neighbors across the street, fortunately and unfortunately the stop at said neighbors never is just a quick stop. It always ends up being a visit about....stuff, you know, the usual gossip about the neighborhood, PTA happenings, what we're making for dinner or what we SHOULD have made for dinner, all while the kids run, jump and wrestle around on the lawn (this is also what the dogs do). So about an hour later (and now it's getting dark) we say our goodnights for the 10th time and head out to the rest of the street in the hopes of making a few sales before it rains and or gets too dark! We actually did very well, of all the houses we went to, the people that answered their door bought at least something. And I think we only made it to 6 or 7 houses!! But seriously, how can anyone resist a bluish eyed, blonde hair little guy who rings your doorbell and very seriously says "Hi, my name is Cody Brunner, I'm a BOy Scout from Pack 11. I'm selling popcorn, would you like to buy some?" It would be tough to say no......I'm always a sucker! :) And besides Boy Scout popcorns the bomb, it's not like you wouldn't want some anyway, even if it wasn't such a cutie selling it!! (obviously I'm not biased towards my kids). I'll have to take some pictures tomorrow when we go out!
Last night was our PTA meeting where we voted for board members. I'm not on the board, but I managed to become Chair of quite a few committee's! :) My favorite being Potluck night for the teachers during parent teacher conference week. The night that they have to stay until 8ish, the PTA brings in a Potluck, so they don't have to miss dinner or even worry about bringing something. This is something that's right up my alley. As is obvious by my "baby weight" that I still have, food is my forte. :)
Anyway....I better get the boys in bed! Night..................

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a few pictures.......

The Mullendore's came over the weekend of Labor Day and we decided to take a drive to the Beartooth Highway on Sun. The Beartooth Highway is the highest highway I believe in the US. It's really beautiful up there. It's cold (although you wouldn't be able to tell it from the way the boys are dressed) and stark in vegetation and the lakes are so crisp and clear. Unfortunately we didn't see much in the way of animal life (ususally a mountain goat or these ground squirrel type things can be seen), but fortunately no one got car sick (the boys and I usually need frequent stops!!!!) This is a picture from a turn-out place, where you can park and walk along a path that is kinda situated on the side of a very steep mountain. Fabulous views at the end viewing area!!

This is a picture of Cody's first day of school and his teacher coming out to greet the kids. I'm not sure why he's giving me this look, probably because I told him to smile (little stinker). He is absolutely loving school this year. His teacher is wonderful and encourages his enthusiasm(sp)! I volunteer in his class on Monday mornings and starting next week Tyler and I will have lunch with him on Mondays too, he's super excited. Cody got nominated as student of the month by his teacher and gets to have lunch with the Principal on Thurs. We are all very proud of him! He is excited to be having McDonald's on Thurs for lunch and oh yeah, lunch with the principal too! :)

This is Tyler after we got home from taking Cody to his first day. He loves to have his picture taken, at least for now! :) Tyler and I have a lot more time during the day to do stuff together while Cody is at school. The other day we went to the zoo with a friend of mine and her kids. We've already decided that, had we the choice, Tyler and Logyn (the little girl in the pictures) would get married when they're older!! They are seriously too cute together!! Here are some more pictures from that day at the zoo!........

Monday, September 24, 2007

My pirate name.....

My pirate name is:
Iron Anne Rackham
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

For some reason this didn't line up right, but I got the idea from Kelly's blog (who got it from Jess and Lori) anyway, it was fun!

So, maybe not as much time as I thought! :)

I underestimated the "free" time I have. (I'm pretty sure we all do this) When I started this blog, I thought that it would be easy to post once or twice a week. Little did I know at the time just how busy the last week or two would be. I have pictures I've taken, but Jas has the camera at work with him, so I'll post those later.
Because of the school re-opening (where Cody goes) we had to start up a new PTA and let me tell you, it isn't the easiest nor funnest thing to do! But, it will be completely worth it once we get everything straightened out. The school is in sad need of a new playground. The current one is a series of splintered wood and huge tires (which turns childrens clothing BLACK, and it is nearly impossible to get it out) and one slide that is so steep and fast the kids have to be monitored on it. And sadly, not everyone can use the "big" equipment at the same time. Cody came home one day and told me that it wasn't their "turn" to play on the big equipment that day, it was the big kids turn. So, needless to say, we need new equipment. And for a new PTA (who starts in the red) it is daunting to say the least to try and come up with fundraisers, etc to raise the money needed for the playground! But, we're working on it.........
Jason was in Winachee, WA(sp) last Thurs and Fri for work and it was early out Thurs for the kids at school. So my neighbor and I decided to take the kids to ChuckECheese. It's a great place to dump a lot of cash :), if you're so inclined (I must of had too much wine or beer when I agreed to go :)) And if you win a bajillion "tickets" you can get a fabulous prize/toy, ya know like a plastic slinkey that breaks on the way to the car!! Oh well, the kids had fun.
When I told Jason that I started this blog he told me (and he told me to quote him) "That blogs are stupid, and it's just one more thing for you (Amber) to do during the day so that you (Amber) don't get anything done around the house." I told him I'd have no problem quoting him. He of course said this half joking, half serious. He honestly thinks blogs are a waste of time, but he just wanted to get my goat with the rest of the comment, and of course he did! :) turd.......
Anyway, I'll sign off for now and post pictures later.............................

Monday, September 10, 2007

Why not, me too!

After seeing all of the different blog's out there, I thought to myself......."self (that's what I call myself, haha JK) why not....might as well jump on the wagon and start one yourself, it will be fun to look back on in future months, years, whatever!" Besides, with Cody in all day school and Tyler still taking naps...somedays, I will have some time to record our day-to-days.
I was looking into taking an online course at a local school here that is a two-year program to get your teaching degree. But after looking into it further, it turned out to be 2 years online, plus 2 summers on campus and only 26 of my 100+ credits qualified for the program. So I'd of had to do 34 credits just to have all my pre-reqs. I figured, if I was going to be going to 3+ more years of college I'm going to get a degree that I'll make more money at, although summers off would be fantastic!!! :)

To those out there also going through this or recently having gone through it....I'm having a dickins of a time potty-training Tyler!! It is a battle-of-the-wills and sadly I am losing, really really losing!! What a stinker, he'll act all excited, like he's all gung-ho about it and then he'll wave his hand at me and say "But not right now, maybe later."

Cody is a 7-year-old, 1st grader who knows EVERYTHING!! Even if proven wrong he'll still argue about it.....I'm sure you Brunner's out there are thinking of his father and how Cody must be just like him :) and I have to agree :)
I am absolutely loving watching him learn this year, his teacher is wonderful! He will read books to Tyler and I before bed now, I have to slow him down and make him sound out words a lot, and remind him about the rules of reading (we have them hanging in his room), but for the most part he is doing really good and he is so proud of himself. We rode bikes to school this morning for the first time this year (his had a flat up until Friday when I FINALLY :) fixed it) and I'm not sure about anyone else, but I really like my morning coffee and it was a little bit of a challenge to ride my bike and not spill (I have Tyler in a pull-behind on my bike, it's a wonderful thing, that can be removed and used as a stroller too, I highly recomend it and at our Target right now, the one we bought 3 months ago is on clearance for half off......dangit anyway), good thing the school is only 2 1/2 blocks away., for a first blog, I really know how to ramble, oh well! It's all good! :)