Saturday, January 9, 2010

Good Morning!

I really should have given myself more time to edit my last post before I posted it. Unfortunately, I type like I speak and it doesn't always come out how I want it to (minus all the grammatical errors to boot).
I finally made the time to take down the Christmas decorations yesterday. I always put this task off for as long as I can because it always makes me a little sad to see the season end. (and it's a pain in the rear to re-tote all those decorations:)) We took the tree downstairs when Jas got home too. Now we are trying to figure out how to arrange the living room best with the new furniture. The room is just too narrow.......
Tyler and I played a new game yesterday that he had gotten for Christmas. It's Boggle Jr., a game for preschoolers to help them with letter recognition and site work spelling. This is an area I worry about with Tyler. He, like the rest of us, does fantastically with numbers and the number concepts. But he is struggling a little with letter recognition and sound. A lot of this is my own fault, because I have not been a good teacher with working with him. (one of my numerous resolutions for the year) I am hopeful that this will be rectified soon though. One of the resolutions I made for the boys (much to their dismay) is they must EARN gaming time. By jobs/chores, homework, etc. Not an unreasonable task, if you ask me. I keep reminding Cody that he has been lucky so far in that he has got to do fun stuff (i.e. play with friends, play outside, play games) without having to do jobs/chores around the house and that this was not the case for either his dad or I growing up. Oh....I always make chore charts for the boys, but haven't been the best at reinforcing them (another resolution:)). Cody is such a good student though, that he rarely has homework! :) He actually gets to have a lot of computer time at school while he waits for the other kids to finish with their work. He really likes to play on the computer, which makes me a little nervous (go figure). There are a few websites that I let him go to, but the other day I found him and Tyler hooting it up over some YouTube videos.......I went berserk. I had to try and explain to them just how dangerous that can be, without completely corrupting them with what's out there to stumble upon!! YIKES!

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