Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seriously, where does the time go?

I am currently at work and will not be able to post pictures from here, but just a quick update.
The last 2 1/2 weeks have been very busy. Work, Boy Scouts, baptisms, PTA, Lia Sophia parties (yea, that's plural), babies (no I'm not pregnant), etc. This next week should be a little slower, only 2 Boy Scout functions, one night of work, 1 Halloween program, one Halloween night and one candle party. Jeepers! Anyway.....
I forget that I haven't been doing this blog for very long and people wouldn't know about all of the things we've been doing with the house. When I get home I'll post some pictures....too fun. Jason always needs projects and now that we are home owners, this energy goes towards the home. It's fabulous, except I'm always feeling like a slacker, because when he's home he keeps busy, not so much me!! I guess, mine is a different busy, right!!
Anyway, I have to go do work stuff, I have tons of pictures to post, so buy from now!!!! :)

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