Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So it's only been 3 months......right?!!!

I truly enjoy reading other people's blogs and they all sound like they lead such exciting lives. So many things happening to them and their families. Plus, they all seem to be able to put their lives into writing that sounds coherant, funny and fascinating. I do NOT have this talent. Unfortunately, I write like I speak, but I don't know how to put the right inflections in the right places to actually make you read it like I would have said it........................(obviously, just from reading what I just wrote, you might get a little of what I mean :) This is not an excuse for not keeping this more updated, but, well, maybe it is a little bit. :)
Our lives right now actually are very full, but where to start. Let's start with football, that's always a good subject. Cody and I are doing a Fantacy Football team this year. Our League is of course Bronco Fanz (NOT Denver, mind you..............that was for any WI folks who might not know the Mabbott's Boise State Obsession, we LOVE our Broncos!!!!). Cody and I named our team the Tiger Sharks. Our defesive group is of course the Packers (although they've done pretty crappy for me the last couple weeks, minus the interception). Anyway, our team isn't doing too bad. It's kinda fun each week to watch the numbers. On another football note, Cody is playing on a flag-football team. It is so much fun, he has practices Mon and Fri evenings and then games every Sat. morning. This goes clear through to the second Sat. of Nov. I'm sure by then it will be freezing and we will be glad it's done for the year. He already had one game two weeks ago and then had to miss last week because we were in Glendive to see Jason's parents and his grandparents who were over from WI. At Cody's first game he played offense and did a great job blocking for his little friend (who scored 3 touchdowns for us). When Cod came to the sideline I said "Nice blocking Babe!!!" and his comment was "Yeah, I was holding on one of them though, good thing I didn't get a penalty!" We all laughed pretty hard (I'm pretty sure the highschool ref isn't going to call ANY penalties in flag football, too cute though).
Tyler is currently in the living room watching Tom & Jerry, lying on the couch yelling for me to get him some "moo-juice" (aka milk for the rest of us)........just got off the phone with Geri, I of course forgot a jacket in Glendive, I'm a little surprised that's all that was left so far. But they'll be coming out sometime soon to watch one of Cody's games, so anything we left will be able to be brought with them! :) I think my parents are coming not this weekend but next to watch a game. I am actually impressed with the boys, they're running plays and learning the rules, etc. We had such a joke of a coach for soccer that I was a little worried about football (not that I stepped up to coach, so I better not complain too loud). Cody and his friends are a little upset it isn't "full-contact", but us parents are of course glad that little-guy football is still a couple years down the road. :)
I've started working more hours again. Not really what we wanted, but these stinky gas/grocery prices are really not giving us much of a choice. I'm also taking a little more of a back-burner approach to PTA this year. I think I give more of my time directly to Cody's teacher and also my kids this year. I still go to meetings and end up being on committee's, but just not as many (I think :).
I need to download my camera pictures and then I will post some. The new picture on the header was the first day of school this year. Neither of them would give me a good smile, so that is what I got, I guess.......stinkers, just like their dad................. :)